Meet the Tutors: 梅根·杜克 (’08)
When she graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, 加州, in 2008, 梅根·杜克 never imagined that she would one day join its teaching faculty, let alone at a new campus in 新英格兰. She never even expected to attend graduate school.
Graduate’s Documentary Celebrates College, Classmates & 20日聚会
Alumna reporter and producer Mary Rose (Bacani ’03) Valenti traveled to 加州 for her 20th reunion, then released a documentary about the experience.
Denise (Martel ’81) Trull Celebrates 首页schooling Pioneers
In a recent essay for Theology of 首页, Denise (Martel ’81) Trull commends the pioneers of the homeschooling movement, including Thomas Aquinas College alumna Laura (Steichen ’75) Berquist, for their contributions to the renaissance of classical education across the country.
Alumna Author Suzie Andres (’87) Speaks to Women of St. Therese
To celebrate the feast day of their patron, the women of St. Therese Hall welcomed Suzie Andres (’87), alumna author of several books about Catholicism, Jane Austen — and St. Therese of Lisieux. 
Alumna Videographer 探索s Symbol and Meaning in 加州 Chapel
Mary Rose (Bacani ’03) Valenti and has produced a documentary for Salt + Light 媒体 about Our Lady of The Most Holy Trinity Chapel. ​
校友 Writings: Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold on God’s “Generational Grace”
Writing in the National Catholic Register, Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold reflects on Mary’s Magnificat to develop the idea of what she calls “generational grace,” complementing Biblical ideas of generational sin that can sometimes perplex readers of Scripture.
Thomism for Everyone: Joseph Stack (’17)
Joseph Stack (’17) is doing his part to revive the study of the Angelic Doctor with The Daily Thomist, an online newsletter which “breaks down the ideas of Thomas Aquinas and others into brief, digestible pieces so you can live an intellectual life while you are busy.” 